Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Write For Us is a community blog where you can publish topics about Design, Home Improvement, Flooring, Roofing, Furniture, Kitchen, Landscaping, and many other topics. Thefrisky Home allows everyone to contribute their ideas through Guest Posting.

Guest posting guidelines

Follow these guidelines if you would like to publish your thoughts on our blog.

Length of article:

You should write an informative and well-researched article with at least 700 and 1000 words in order to engage viewers and to rank high on search engines. Ensure that your article meets this first requirement.

Topics include:

You need to choose a topic that is relevant to our blog in order to write a successful blog post. By doing this, you will be able to publish your article on our blog sooner. Therefore, it is important that the article you write and submit is relevant to the categories on our blog.

The categories include:

Articles should relate to the following categories:

  • Design
  • Home Improvement
  • Flooring 
  • Roofing
  • Furniture
  • Kitchen
  • Landscaping

We would love to have you as a contributor on our blog! We are always looking for new and interesting perspectives on the topics we cover. However, we cannot post write-ups that are entirely unrelated to our blog’s focus. So, if you have ideas for articles that you think would be a good fit, please send them our way!

  1. External links: You can also link back to your own blog if your content is relevant. Do Follow links are allowed only on your own blog, and must be relevant.
  2. Selling stuff: Guest postings should not be used to promote or advertise any other products or commercial sites. If you are interested in a sponsored post opportunity, please contact us with the subject title “Sponsored and Advertisement”.
  3. Consider these factors: It is important to write articles that are optimistic and powerful. If you’d like to see examples, we’ve already published them on our blog,
  4. Writing that is reader-friendly: You should write your posts in a way that conveys your personality and words. In order to write engaging articles, you should keep the targeted audience in mind.
  5. Your articles should be reader-friendly: Having an article that is reader-friendly would make it easier for readers to read since the message would be clear to them. Your articles should contain relevant headings, subheadings, and bolded terms. If you feel bullet points are necessary, use them.
  6. Media sources: Make sure to include visuals in your article to attract readers, like relevant images, infographics, and videos. Give credit where it’s due by including attribution.
  7. There are no affiliate links included: Since affiliate links could potentially damage our website’s reputation, we do not allow them in our articles. However, if you are interested in promoting your affiliate link or something promotional, please contact us with the subject line “advertising.” Thanks!
  8. Copyright: It is not permitted to publish any write-ups that are copied and pasted from other websites. We would never accept a post like this. In the event that we find that you have plagiarized our content, your article will not be published. We appreciate original content and hard work.
  9. You can submit your article here We prefer articles to be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. If you have an idea or pitch you’d like to submit before writing an article, please send it our way.

Please email: to get in touch.