Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

List Of HOA Services

If you are a member of an List Of HOA services or a homeowner in one, you’ll need to know what types of services you can expect. It’s important to have a good understanding of the different types of services that your association offers, so that you can know which ones to get involved in and which ones to leave up to the professionals.

Articles of Incorporation

Articles of incorporation are a crucial component of HOA services. They provide a legal basis for the association and outline some of its functions. The document also defines the association’s purpose and limits the powers of the association.

In many cases, homeowners’ associations are created by filing articles of incorporation as a nonprofit corporation with the state’s Secretary of State. This is typically done before a property is sold.

Once a Homeowner’s Association is formed, it is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations. These may include assessment amounts, voting rights and procedures for holding meetings and elections.

Typically, the initial board of directors is responsible for drafting the documents that are filed. If there are issues with the governing documents, the HOA may choose to amend them.

Subdivision Plats

Subdivision plats are essential to gaining approval from the government to build a subdivision. The documents show the boundaries of lots and streets. Additionally, they contain information about the size and shape of water bodies, easements, and the location of monuments.

A preliminary plat is a sketch of the general layout of the proposed development. This may go through a number of processes depending on the city. It identifies important features such as roadways, rights of way, and flood zones.

An HOA is a group of homeowners who have formed an organization to maintain common elements and private roads. These entities often make a multi year plan to repair and improve their development.

Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions

If you are a homeowner in a homeowners’ association, you have a legal responsibility to comply with the governing documents. These documents include the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs).

A Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of owners. Its contents typically cover the boundaries of a unit and the rights and obligations of the homeowners’ association.

The CC&Rs also outline restrictions on the usage of common property and the activities of the owners. These rules regulate the use of the neighborhood and help protect the property values.

Rules are often enforced by the HOA. They may include requirements on the amount of time you can leave the property during the day, how much parking space you can have, and how you must treat trash.

Internal and external audits

If you are a board member of a homeowners association, you should be familiar with the audit process. An audit helps to ensure that your association’s financial statements are accurate and that your community is in good financial shape. However, an audit does not come cheap. So, you must be willing to spend some of your hard-earned money.

Depending on the size of your community, the frequency of your HOA audits will vary. Smaller associations have more limited transactions, so an audit can be less important.

Audits are a great way to keep your HOA in line with state regulations and laws. They also help to uncover financial wrongdoing before it becomes a problem.

HOA assessments

HOA assessments are fees that all association members are required to pay. The fees can vary depending on the type of property. They can also be used for other things, such as maintenance and improvement projects. In some cases, the HOA board will levy a special assessment to raise funds for emergencies.

It is important for residents to understand the assessment process. One way is to attend board meetings. During these meetings, the board may discuss the latest repairs and upcoming changes. This is an excellent opportunity for residents to raise awareness about the upcoming assessment.

Another option is to work with a real estate attorney. A lawyer can analyze the assessments, as well as the fees associated with purchasing a home in an HOA community.

Fiduciary responsibility

Fiduciary responsibility is one of the most important aspects of a HOA’s role. It prevents board members from furthering their own personal interests, and serves as a reminder to make every decision in the best interest of the association.

In a community association, all members agree to act as a fiduciary for the entire association. However, while acting as a fiduciary, each member must exercise due care.

The basic duties of a fiduciary are loyalty, good faith, and care. Loyalty means that you must be devoted to the best interest of the community. Good faith means that you must be honest and act in a manner that benefits the community as a whole.