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How to skip songs with airpods on android

AirPods are a popular wireless earbud option for many users, and they can be used with both iOS and Android devices. How to skip songs with airpods on android  However, the process of skipping songs with AirPods on Android is slightly different than on iOS. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to skip songs with AirPods on an Android device.

Step 1: Connect your AirPods to your Android device

The first step in skipping songs with AirPods on Android is to ensure that your AirPods are connected to your device. To do this, go to your device’s Bluetooth settings and ensure that the AirPods are paired and connected.

Step 2: Launch your music app

Once your AirPods are connected, launch the music app that you are using. This could be Spotify, Google Play Music, or any other app that you prefer to listen to music on.

Step 3: Control your music

Once your music app is launched, you can control the music that is playing through your AirPods. To skip a song, you will need to double-tap the AirPod. This will skip the current song and play the next one.

Step 4: Control volume

You can also control the volume of your music by using your AirPods. To increase the volume, simply tap and hold the AirPod until you hear a chime. To decrease the volume, tap and hold the AirPod again until you hear a chime.

Step 5: Pause or play music

You can also pause and play music by using your AirPods. To pause music, simply tap the AirPod once. To resume playback, tap the AirPod again.

Step 6: Access Siri or Google Assistant

You can also access Siri or Google Assistant on your Android device by using your AirPods. To do this, tap and hold the AirPod for a few seconds. This will activate Siri or Google Assistant, and you can use voice commands to control your music or perform other tasks.


skipping songs with AirPods on Android is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Once you have connected your AirPods to your device, you can control your music by double-tapping the AirPod, controlling the volume, pausing and playing music, and accessing Siri or Google Assistant. With these steps in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy your music without having to take out your phone.

How to skip songs with AirPods on iphone

AirPods are a popular wireless earbud option for many iPhone users, and they offer a convenient and seamless way to control your music while on the go. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to skip songs with AirPods on your iPhone.

Step 1: Connect your AirPods to your iPhone

The first step in skipping songs with AirPods on your iPhone is to ensure that your AirPods are connected to your device. To do this, go to your iPhone’s Bluetooth settings and ensure that the AirPods are paired and connected. If you’re not sure how to connect your AirPods to your iPhone, you can refer to the AirPods user guide for detailed instructions.

Step 2: Launch your music app

Once your AirPods are connected, launch the music app that you are using. This could be Apple Music, Spotify, or any other app that you prefer to listen to music on.

Step 3: Control your music

Once your music app is launched, you can control the music that is playing through your AirPods. To skip a song, you will need to double-tap the AirPod. This will skip the current song and play the next one.

Step 4: Control volume

You can also control the volume of your music by using your AirPods. To increase the volume, simply tap and hold the AirPod until you hear a chime. To decrease the volume, tap and hold the AirPod again until you hear a chime.

Step 5: Pause or play music

You can also pause and play music by using your AirPods. To pause music, simply tap the AirPod once. To resume playback, tap the AirPod again.

Step 6: Access Siri

You can also access Siri on your iPhone by using your AirPods. To do this, tap and hold the AirPod for a few seconds. This will activate Siri, and you can use voice commands to control your music or perform other tasks. With Siri, you can play specific songs, artists, playlists, and more. You can even ask Siri to skip songs, increase or decrease volume, and even tell you what song is currently playing.

Step 7: Customize AirPods controls

You can customize the controls for your AirPods to suit your needs. To do this, go to the “Settings” app on your iPhone, then tap “Bluetooth.